Nourishing lives at many levels is the cornerstone of a community that cares.
The current crisis is but the latest call to action we’ve answered over 25 years.
Feeding the mind, body and spirit is a staple of any healthy community. While events surely amplify these needs, we’ve taken an approach that stewardship of our most valuable assets—our families, our citizens, our community’s future—is a daily commitment.
It’s our daily bread at Cornerstone Community Care.
Our approach is integrated to be sure that these needs are met decisively and completely. It is more than gathering resources, like food and school supplies, it is also the effective distribution of those resources across a wide footprint of city and rural areas, precisely pinpointing needs with enough weight to affect an outcome.
There is no cherry-picking because our network of allied partners across industries, community servants and churches knows that success comes by closing every gap, making every touchpoint count. For example, boosting reading achievement among our kids is not a one-off strategy; we are relentless to be sure even the steepest goals can be met by continuity of purpose and never taking the foot off the accelerator.
Meeting the needs of the underserved cannot be accomplished by programs that under-serve. This is why, whether its meals to meet today’s crisis, or tools to keep our kids reading and achieving, or it’s a need in-between, your consistent support allows the deepest penetration to meet the needs daily, not just in crisis.
Go to our donation page to stand in our corner, or call (559) 442-0122 to learn more about the Cornerstone Community Care difference.